CST Certification

Surgical Technologists collaborate closely with surgeons and other healthcare professionals throughout surgical procedures. They are responsible for managing surgical instruments, maintaining a sterile field, and preparing the operating room. Their role is crucial in ensuring a sterile and organized environment for surgical operations across various specialties.

The NBSTSA’s certification program is accredited by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA), the accreditation division of the Institute for Credentialing Excellence (ICE) and is in compliance with NCCA’s Standards for the Accreditation of Certification Programs.

CST Logo

The Examination Review Committee for the Certified Surgical Technologist examination (CST-ERC) has the responsibility within NBSTSA for examination design and development of the national certifying examination for surgical technologists.

Committee Members

Committee Description


Examination Development

The CST-ERC is responsible for reviewing, editing, referencing and categorizing examination questions in accordance with Examination Content Outlines. CST-ERC members also participate in the Job Analysis survey.

The CST-ERC evaluates the examination for quality and continuity, as well as reviews statistical data on question performance. This assures the relevancy, currency and accuracy of the content of the CST examination. Professional psychometricians from PSI assist the CST-ERC in this process.

CST-ERC is composed of members representing the major geographical areas of the country to prevent regional bias on the examination. The committee consists of ten (10) professionals with the following qualifications:

  • Six (6) practicing Certified Surgical Technologists (CST)
  • One (1) surgical technology educator from a NBSTSA recognized program
  • One (1) Board Certified Surgeon

The most recent test forms were developed in July, 2019 and launched on August 5, 2019.  These forms follow the current test content outline, which was released in September, 2018.